Service: Manchester’s Research & Intelligence Database - Identifying troubled families

Responsible organisation: Manchester City Council (Local Government)

Manchester City Council is using a system it calls the Manchester Research & Intelligence Database to identify Troubled Families, families in need of support, to enable caseworkers to access more information more quickly than previously and to enable the collection and analysis of data to assess services and impact. The Council developed the system by buying an IBM product called iBase. The approach to using the system has been internally developed. It is noted that the aim is to empower ‘lead professionals to make the best use of data they are legally able to see, and is not about replacing decision making or interpretation with system algorithms or decisions’. The stated aim is to enable a more ‘holistic’ understanding of people, needs and services. Future goals include developing decision making tools, building performance reporting tools, building threshold and alerting tools and rolling the system out to more users, as well as connecting more data.

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2016 -
Still active?

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