Service: RADAAR-iTE Predictive policing - risk assessment of militant Salafitsts

Responsible organisation: Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Crime Agency, BKA) (Central-Government)

Since 2017, the Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Crime Agency, BKA) has used the risk-assessment tool RADAR-iTE (Bundeskriminalamt, 2017) to sort “militant Salafists” into three threat levels (high, conspicuous, and moderate). The system was developed in cooperation with the Department of Forensic Psychology at the University of Konstanz. In order to assess a person already known to the authorities, the caseworker fills in a standardized questionnaire about the “observable behavior” of the subject, drawing on data the police previously gathered on the person and everything the police is legally authorized to access. Once the results of the corresponding threat levels are provided, the caseworker (or the respective department) decides what action to take.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site  
Start/end date 2017 -
Still active?

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