Service: LaBonneBoîte - Identification of companies with a high probability of hiring

Responsible organisation: Pôle emploi (Central-Government)

La Bonne Boite is an online tool that identifies companies with a high probability of hiring within the next six months in the sector and area selected by the seeker. The objective of La Bonne Boite is to help jobseekers find job opportunities that are not published by employers (i.e. "hidden vacancies") and to predict which companies are most likely to hire in the near future. La Bonne Boite is one of the most used job searching services in France and it is about to be further developed in order to target more specific types of jobseekers, like students, that are looking for part-time jobs. This search engine improves a jobseeker's chance of securing a job interview on the basis of spontaneous job applications. La Bonne Boite's computer code can be copied and used by others. There is also an Application Programming Interface (API) which enables the duplication of La Bonne Boite on other websites.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2016 -
Still active?

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