Service: LombardiaInforma: proactive Citizen Communication

Responsible organisation: Regione Lombardia (Local Government)

Management and sending of personalized communications, in a multi-channel and multi-service logic, to support the daily work of spreading the contents of an editorial staff. For this purpose, the application adopts a logical architecture and an Omnichannel Customer Experience platform which, through a public portal called Lombardia Informa, allows you to: collect the contact data of citizens and the topics of interest in a centralized manner; create and manage personalized and multi-channel communication actions offering a unique and coherent browsing experience; integrate the systems responsible for sending communications, implementing harmonization and centralization of data from heterogeneous channels; create integrated communication tools, such as landing pages and surveys; enrich the contents with multimedia elements (image slideshows, videos) and documents (.pdf attachments) user management and profiling as per GDPR

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2021 -
Still active?

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