Service: Texta Toolkit - Identifying documents published without authorisation

Responsible organisation: Ministry of Education and Research (Central-Government)

The Ministry of Education and Research performed a document management audit using the Texta Toolkit, which was aimed at identifying the documents that had been published without authorisation (e.g. internal documents, personal data, etc.). During the audit, more than 1,200,000 documents were analysed, converted into machine-readable form and had the personal data removed. In collaboration with the Centre of Registers and Information Systems, the Ministry of Justice removed, using Texta, personal data from nearly 80,000 court decisions involving information about punishments deleted from the Criminal Records Database and republished the decisions in the Court Information System. Texta Toolkit grew out of industrial research in the Software Technology and Applications Competence Center (STACC) and its development has been supported from the Estonian Language Technology programme.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2020 -
Still active?

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