Service: Water level monitoring in coastal seas and lakes using satellite altimetry

Responsible organisation: (Central-Government)

The project will develop three different prototypes: operational hydrological monitoring of flood satellite information, control of resource charges in peat deposits using radar remote sensing data, and remote water level monitoring data to improve hydrological monitoring and marine forecasting services. Hydrological monitoring includes on-site measurements of water levels and flows at national hydrometric stations. Control of resource fees: From the data of Sentinel-1 it is possible to assess on which deposits and several times a quarter of peat was peeled. This overview provides an opportunity to check the data reflected in the declaration of resource fees. Prototypes of remote sensing of water levels allow the combined use of remote sensing data, forecasting model and Artificial Intelligence to provide better water level information to interested parties and the public.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2020 -
Still active?

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