Service: Shareart: measure the public's satisfaction in front of the works of art exhibited in museum

Responsible organisation: ENEA - Sustainability Department of Production and Territorial Systems (Central-Government)

ShareArt is the monitoring system through which it would be possible to measure the public's satisfaction in front of the works of art exhibited in museums, tested by the Sustainability Department of Production and Territorial Systems of ENEA in collaboration with the Bologna Museums Institution. This software works through a camera that automatically detects the faces that look in the direction of the work and allows the system to acquire data concerning people and information related to their behavior during the observation of the work of art. Through the use of Big Data and convolutional neural networks, the system is able to correlate the data referable to the fruition of the works with those relating to the characteristics of people to infer useful information.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2021 -
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