Service: DELIA: Crime Analysis for the next generation Predictive Policing

Responsible organisation: Polizia di Stato - Questura di Milano (Governmental)

With Keycrime, the software created by a policeman from the Milan police headquarters to analyze thefts and robberies committed in the city. Recently this has been trasformed in a new company with the same name and the software named Delia. Delia is a software from the KeyCrime company that supports police officers in crime prevention and enforcement operations. By analyzing thousands of data, the aim is to compare different crimes to determine which ones were committed by the same person or by the same group of people. Software has been tested in production in Italy by the State Police in Milan, to combat the phenomenon of robberies.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2021 -
Still active?

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