Service: Better match between unemployed citizens and companies

Responsible organisation: Kobenhavns Kommune (Local Government)

Although companies demand labour, it can be difficult to match unemployed citizens with the right skills to the right jobs. The purpose of the project is to develop a tool that can help case workers offer a more targeted job search and thus increase the effect of the employment programme., Although companies demand labour, it can be difficult to match unemployed citizens with the right skills to the right jobs. The purpose of the project is to develop a tool that can help case workers offer a more targeted job search and thus increase the effect of the employment programme. The algorithm matches the described professional and personal abilities from unemployed citizens’ CVs with requirements in current job openings to propose alternative jobs in other industries or alternative job types. In this way, case workers can better help the unemployed towards a more targeted job search.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
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Start/end date 2020 - 2021.0
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