Service: SHAP - Holiday rental home fraud

Responsible organisation: City of Amsterdam (Local Government)

In the city of Amsterdam, a pilot is being carried out which uses AI and algorithms to track down people illegally renting out their homes via platforms, such as Airbnb. Housing fraud is an increasingly big issue in the city of Amsterdam according to the Court of Audit of Amsterdam, leading to harms of the neighbourhood. The algorithm will include information about previous housing fraud, information from the city’s population registries and building data from the city’s registry of addresses and buildings. While this information is also usable for analysis by civil servants themselves, the use of the AI system is expected will speed up the process significantly and enable more accurate responses as it can connect multiple factors together in ways civil servants themselves would not be able to.

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2017 -
Still active?

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