Service: PRECOBS - Predictive policing in German administrations

Responsible organisation: Baden Wurttemberg, Hesse, Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia (Local Government)

In Bavaria, the tool PRECOBS (Institut für musterbasierte Prognosetechnik, 2018) calculates where burglaries are most likely to occur, however, the same software was discontinued in Baden Wurttemberg in 2019 due to data quality issues (Mayer, 2019). In the field of burglary prevention, the state of Hesse deploys the KLB-operativ forecast tool (Polizei Hessen, 2017), and Berlin uses KrimPro (Dinger, 2019). Both of these tools analyze data to identify where a potential break-in is most likely to occur. Based on IBM products, North Rhine-Westphalia developed SKALA (Polizei Nordrhein-Westfahlen, 2020), while Lower Saxony uses PreMAP (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Inneres und Sport, 2018); these two tools make predictions about burglary hot spots, which the police incorporate into action plans.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site  
Start/end date 2018 - 2018.0
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