Service: Job Market Finland - Matching employees with right jobs

Responsible organisation: KEHA-centre (Central-Government)

Job Market Finland, which is a service developed by KEHA-Centre and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, is being built up in stages and it will emerge as a new kind of service for the job market, offering a shared platform for public and private suppliers of services for training and for business and industry, and for the jobs offered by various employment exchange platforms. The most important thing in the job market is matching the right employees with the right jobs. If everything goes right, the employee gets a job that matches their skills and interests, while the employer gains a skilled worker. The AI-based matching solution matches jobseeker-profiles and job vacancies based on structured information (e.g. skills, occupations) and natural language. The matches are scored and showed to both jobseeker and employer. AI-solution also helps in describing skills needed or provided.

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2021 -
Still active?

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