Service: VDA - Voicebot on calls from Irish taxpayer on tax clearance

Responsible organisation: Irish Revenue Commissioners (Central-Government)

In 2018, Irish Revenue Commissioners began investigating the potential of Artificial Intelligence to provide a more efficient, effective experience for customers using their telephony services. This resulted in the implementation of a Virtual Digital Agent (VDA) designed to focus on a subset of calls from the Irish taxpayer relating to tax clearance. 1) taxpayers contact Irish Revenue tax clearance customer support asking how to apply for tax clearance; 2) enquiring what their current tax clearance status is; 3) requesting more information on expired, refused & rescinded tax clearance applications as well as just looking for information on tax clearance itself. Result is up to 50% of calls were handled from start to finish by the voicebot, 70% of first-time applicants engaged by voicebot submitting their application, 75% of tax clearance holders were able to retrieve their tax clearance access number (TCAN). Only in 10% of the calls, the calls were transferred to a human operator.

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2018 -
Still active?

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