Service: AcPaas - Technical procurement documents comparison

Responsible organisation: Digipolis & city of Antwerp (Private sector)

The city of Antwerp has a platform called Antwerp City Platform as a Service (Acpaas) that uses NLP to compare a technical document of a procurement (or an offer/call?) and find the already existent IT components they have in house (API, applications, etc) that could possibly satisfy some of the requirements. To do this, they compare the text of the files of the offer to the ones of the metadata of the components. In the case of the API they do some preprocessing and extract the descriptive information from the metadata files. They also have launched an experimental service that compares technical diagrams with the metadata of the IT components.

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2020 -
Still active?

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