Service: VeriPol - Detect false police reports

Responsible organisation: Spanish Police (Central-Government)

The filing of fake police reports is quite common in Spain, especially for low level crimes and it can bring significant consequences for individuals, wasting valuable police resources and is often used in combination with other fraudulent behaviour. Spanish national police have adopted the VeriPol. The system was designed to be integrated into the existing Spanish National Police information system called SIDENPOL, allowing for easier use and integration into existing work practices. The database of police reports was made available for the researchers in order to train the AI system on. For this, 1122 reports were used, including 534 true and 588 false reports. VeriPol exploits a combination of Natural Language Processing and machine learning classification algorithms, capable of estimating the probability of false police reports with significant accuracy. In addition to that, the system also enables insights into the differences between false and true police reports.

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2017 - 2019.0
Still active?

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