Service: Trentino Salute 4.0: TREC+

Responsible organisation: Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Local Government)

TreC + consolidates and puts into service the trials that have been tested in recent years in Trentino together with citizens and health professionals. Access to online health services is guaranteed by a single platform and a single app in which a constant exchange of data produced by patients and doctors flows and in which the level of care that is offered to citizens remains unchanged, constant and Safe. It integrates the innovative vision for the Artificial Intelligence of the future with the collaboration wiith FBK research center. The design and experimenting of the part of TreC + that wants to become increasingly intelligent and integrated with applications such as virtual coaches, predictive models, chatbots, etc., which use artificial intelligence has been made with FBK research center. The TreC + ecosystem is based on Open Source technologies and thanks to an open architectural model it is possible to connect proprietary tools and solutions while keeping the health data at the center of the system, rigorously kept in the APSS archives and under public control, so as to guarantee the citizen security, protection and full availability of data concerning him. Thanks to the system specifications, the solution developed by APSS is now reusable in other healthcare contexts (regional / provincial / ASL and hospitals). It can be integrated with the management systems in use at other regional healthcare companies (CUP, FSE, Payments, existing telemonitoring systems), thus activating a television service extended to the entire population.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2021 -
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