Service: Gebiedonline (Neighbourhood Online)

Responsible organisation: GebiedOnline (Community led)

This Proof of Concept is part of the DECODE project. DECODE developed technology that puts people in control of their personal data, giving them the ability to decide how it is shared. GebiedOnline is a local neighbourhood social network in Amsterdam. Access to GebiedOnline is currently managed by email/password or Facebook login. This creates unwanted dependencies and security issues. This Proof of Concept tested a more privacy-preserving local social network. The Gebiedonline board and community want their platform to be open source, inclusive and to enable their users to have granular control over the data they share with the platform and with other users in the community. To achieve this the Proof of Concept built and tested a feature to allow access to the platform using Attribute Based Credentials. Since several communities are active on the platform, each community can decide on which credentials it can accept.

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site of Concepts.html
Start/end date 2019 -
Still active?

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