Service: Pred Crime Pilot Rivas-Vaciamadrid

Responsible organisation: Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Central-Government)

In 2016, the local police of Rivas-Vaciamadrid, a town of 86,000 people in the Madrid region, ran a pilot of the Pred-Crime software, developed by Spanish company EuroCop (Europa Press, 2015). Pred-Crime analyzes historical data to predict where and when it’s more likely that different types of common misdemeanors and offenses, like traffic violations and robberies, will be committed. Reportedly, the plan was to fully implement this software during 2016, but after testing it for nine months the municipality decided not to go on using it. EuroCop says on its website that it has dozens of municipalities from all over Spain among its customers, but it doesn’t specify whether those local authorities are using its predictive software or any of the other non-predictive tools the company also markets. In another case of predictive policing, the Spanish police have reportedly been using software that analyzes the available data about the victim of a killing and the context of the crime, and then produces the likely profile of the killer. Between 2018 and 2019, agents of the office of the Secretary of State for Security have collaborated with the police by using such software in at least five investigations, according to a press report (Pérez Colomé, 2019b)

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site  
Start/end date 2016 -
Still active?

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