Service: eTranslation: Machine translation for public administrations

Responsible organisation: European Parliament (Governmental)

eTranslation allows public administrations to get quick, raw machine translations from and into any official EU language. eTranslation is an online machine translation service provided by the European Commission (EC). eTranslation is intended for European public administrations, Small and Medium-sized enterprises and University language faculties, or for Connecting Europe Facility projects.If you work in one of the above in an EU country, Iceland or Norway, you can use our product free of charge until further notice. Apart from individual users, the machine translation service is also available to EC information systems and online services through an API. Example of use is European Data Portal to translate all the dataset metadata in 24 languages

Additional information

Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site
Start/end date 2017 -
Still active?

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