Service: Katowice Intelligent Monitoring and Analysis System (KISMiA)

Responsible organisation: Katowice (Local Government)

Katowice Intelligent Monitoring and Analysis System (KISMiA) is built with the use of three components: - Video materials management system (VMS) - Video Analytics Component - Operational Support Component The video management system is used to manage and administer the video data supplied to the system. The Video Analytics component, based on the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) platform, continuously analyzes video streams and generates information describing the images from each camera. The Operational Support Component (IBM) is designed to oversee and coordinate operations, and provide the right people with the right information to help them make the right decisions and track their results. The main component of the KISMiA system is the IOC platform. It is a gathering point for all elements of the system and enables coordination of activities of supported services with other integrated systems (IVA, VMS). Currently, there are 260 cameras in the KISMiA system.

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Source Open Innovation Regione Lombardia
Web site  
Start/end date 2020 -
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