Service: Copernicus Open Access Hub

Responsible organisation: Copernicus (Governmental)

The Copernicus Open Access API Hub is dedicated to users of the scripting interface. The API Hub Access is currently available for all users registered on SciHub. The same user credentials are made valid to access this site within 1 week from the registration on SciHub. Any following modification performed by the user on the SciHub account (e.g. new password, e-mail, country, etc.) is transferred to API Hub within 1 week from the update. The API Hub may be accessed through the URL This implies that the OpenSearch API is published at and the OpenData API is published at The API Hub is managed with the same quota restrictions, ie. a limit of two parallel downloads per user. The site is publishing precisely the same data content as the Scientific Data Hub (both Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2).

Additional information

Source APIs4DGov government publicly available API cases
Web site
Start/end date 2017 -
Still active? Yes

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