Service: Food fraud and falsification of Made in Italy

Responsible organisation: Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (Governmental)

Food fraud and falsification of Made in Italy: a widespread system to which technology can put a valid barrier against food counterfeiting, which puts consumers at risk and makes producers lose millions of euros. The Blockchain comes to the aid. And it is from the wine sector that the Almaviva traceability platform against counterfeiting started for the Mipaaf, in collaboration with Agea and the national information system for the development of agriculture (Sin). The platform is the first worldwide example in use of public Blockchain , applied to the wine sector on ministerial data. The solution, in fact, unlike other products placed on the market, makes available information relating to Italian wines already present in the Public Administration servers, that is the data of the Sian, National Agricultural Information System, supplied by all the players in the supply chain.

Additional information

Source EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum - Initiatives Map
Web site
Start/end date 2018 -
Still active? Yes

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