Service: Healthcare Process Authorization

Responsible organisation: Healthcare Institute (Governmental)

The Healthcare Institute focused on authorisations in the healthcare process. The pilot project evolved around a fictional elderly person, who required care from different healthcare providers. Who can make arrangements when this person ends up in a (temporary) emergency situation currently is arranged in an informal way or at best registered in a notebook. Healthcare providers don’t always know each other or aren’t aware of specific arrangements. The Healthcare Institute sees Blockchain as a technology that can create a clear overview of authorisations in the healthcare process. It has developed a prototype on Ethereum, which allows involved healthcare providers to get real time information on a need to know basis about their client/ patient. The client/patient has more control over his data and can determine - via an application - which professional can get access to additional information.

Additional information

Source EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum - Initiatives Map
Web site
Start/end date 2016 -
Still active? No

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