Service: Health center chatbot

Responsible organisation: Helsinki City Hospital (Governmental)

The chatbot provides health and illness-related advice easily without queuing. Chatbot directs the users to the right digital health services and advises on questions related to dental, mental health, substance abuse and social services. The service answers the most frequently asked questions and direct to the sources of reliable information based on users’ needs. The chatbot is integrated with other digital services of health centres. Through it, customers may be directed to, for example, the city’s digital services, Omaolo, Omakanta or social counselling chat. The service enables transactions around the clock anonymously and securely. All health centers use the service in Helsinki, and it covers all services of the health centers. The clinical guidance of the service is based on national practices of evidence-based treatments, the Current Care guidelines and the emergency care evaluation criteria. The service utilises natural language processing based artificial intelligence to analyse the searches entered by the customer and to identify the intended service need, as well as to find the respective instructions. The service expands the accessibility of health center services by enabling remote transactions around the clock. The service enhances the customer experience of digital services for health centers by providing a single channel for all digital services. The service streamlines the service production of health centers by automating the service on the frequently asked questions and by the automated collection of background information. The service also has positive effects on harmonising the quality of the service and on improving the employee experience of counselling services.

Additional information

Source City of Helsinki AI Register
Web site
Start/end date 2020 -
Still active? Yes

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