Project: CAREWELL - Multi-level integration for patients with complex needs

Responsible organisation: Kronikgune Institute for Health Services Research (Consortium)

Carewell will focus in particular complex, multi-morbid elderly patients, who the patients most in need of health and social care resources (35% the total cost of Health Care System) and more complex interventions due to their frailty and comorbidities (health and social care coordination, monitoring, self-management of the patient and informal care giver). ICT platforms and communication channels that allow sharing information between healthcare and social care professionals involved in the delivery care of these patients, facilitating their coordination, increasing their resoluteness and avoiding duplicities when tackling patients´ diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation or monitoring needs.

Additional information

Source A multi-dimensional framework to evaluate the innovation potential of digital public services: A step towards building an Innovative Public Services Observatory in the EU
Web site
Start/end date 2014 - 2017
Still active? No

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