Project: BeyondSilos - Learning from integrated eCare practice and promoting deployment in European regions

Responsible organisation: Regional Health and Social Care Board (Consortium)

BeyondSilos enables delivery of integrated care to older Europeans to support them to live independently within the community by providing the ICT tools necessary to join up care pathways across organisations, in particular between social and health service providers. A key area of integration is providing cross-sectoral teams with common access to client data, including those coming from home platforms providing monitoring of physiological and environmental parameters and tools for improving self-care. BeyondSilos in Sofia aims at changing this situation by implementing and testing an integrated care record shared between social and health care providers in the region.

Additional information

Source A multi-dimensional framework to evaluate the innovation potential of digital public services: A step towards building an Innovative Public Services Observatory in the EU
Web site
Start/end date 2014 - 2017
Still active? No

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