dataset - TYPE

Service types

The type of a public service with respect to the aims it was set up, and the application of the relevant technology.



Publication date

Valid from

Is version of


Is defined by


Top Concepts

ID Name
TY01 Auditing and Logging
TY02 Authentication
TY03 Chatbot
TY04 Copyright and intellectual property protection
TY05 Cybersecurity
TY06 Data access and reuse
TY07 Disintermediation and decentralized networks
TY08 Forecasting and prediction markets
TY09 Governance and voting
TY10 Payments and international transactions
TY11 Process digitization
TY12 Self Sovereign - digital identity
TY13 Service integration
TY14 Smart city
TY15 Tracking of goods, supply chain, IoT
TY16 Validation and benchmarking
TY99 Other
TY00 Unknown


ID Name Broader
TY01 Auditing and Logging
TY02 Authentication
TY03 Chatbot
TY04 Copyright and intellectual property protection
TY05 Cybersecurity
TY06 Data access and reuse
TY07 Disintermediation and decentralized networks
TY08 Forecasting and prediction markets
TY09 Governance and voting
TY10 Payments and international transactions
TY11 Process digitization
TY12 Self Sovereign - digital identity
TY13 Service integration
TY14 Smart city
TY15 Tracking of goods, supply chain, IoT
TY16 Validation and benchmarking
TY99 Other
TY00 Unknown

Available formats

Representations of this data are also available in the following encodings:

About IPS Taxonomies

IPS Taxonomy is an experimental Linked Data implementation of the taxonomies developed in the framework of the Innovative Public Services (IPS) Action of the EU ISA² Programme, and used in the service catalogue of the IPS Observatory (IPSO).

For more information: IPS Taxonomies @ GitHub

This data is published under a CC-BY 4.0 licence.