This category includes: - copyrighted intellectual property produced without contract for outright sale (i.e. with all-attendant property rights) - intellectual properties for sale that are implicitly or explicitly protected by copyright (e.g. computer software)
This category includes: - copyrighted intellectual property produced without contract for outright sale (i.e. with all-attendant property rights) - intellectual properties for sale that are implicitly or explicitly protected by copyright (e.g. computer software)
This category excludes: - software produced under contract for others, see 62.01.11 - wholesale and retail trade services of software, see 46.14.11, 46.51.10, 47.00.31
Representations of this data are also available in the following encodings:
RAMON-LD is an experimental Linked Data implementation of the EUROSTAT RAMON registry.
For more information: RAMON-LD @ GitHub
This data is published under a CC-BY 4.0 licence.