This subcategory includes: - bookbinding, folding, assembling, stitching, glueing, collating, basting, adhesive binding, trimming, gold stamping services - other graphic services such as die, sinking or stamping, Braille copying, punching and drilling, embossing, varnishing and laminating, collating and insetting, creasing
This subcategory includes: - bookbinding, folding, assembling, stitching, glueing, collating, basting, adhesive binding, trimming, gold stamping services - other graphic services such as die, sinking or stamping, Braille copying, punching and drilling, embossing, varnishing and laminating, collating and insetting, creasing
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RAMON-LD is an experimental Linked Data implementation of the EUROSTAT RAMON registry.
For more information: RAMON-LD @ GitHub
This data is published under a CC-BY 4.0 licence.